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Database of Silk Ribbons

The research project Silk Ribbons in Museum Amager aims to register, typologise, and make public the silk ribbons of Museum Amager. We invite you to follow along, and browse the beautiful collection below.

The numbering of the ribbons follows the inventory numbers of Museum Amager where the initial 'A' refers to the dress location and the following number refers to individual objects in the collection. Where a number is followed by a capital letter the letter has been added by the museum. When a number is followed by a lowercase letter it has been added by us to distinguish ribbons that do not have their own individual numbers but are registered as part of another garment. A ribbon in the database may have two or more lengths, which means there are two or more identical ribbons (where the only difference may be the length) sharing one inventory number. If a width or length is registered as 0 it means we have been unable to measure the ribbon due to it being covered or partially covered.

As the project is ongoing, new ribbons will regularily be added to the database.

To view table in full screen, click "View larger version" in the bottom right corner. For further information, see the guide below the database.

How to use our database

View table in full screen

Click "View larger version" in the bottom right corner.

View all fields

Not all data is shown when browsing our catalogue; click on a ribbon to view all available information.


Search data using the magnifying glass to the right corner.

Sorting data*

Click the "Sort" button, pick the field you want to sort by, and whether to sort in ascending or descending order.

Filtering data*

Filtering allows you to browse only among records specific to your interest. Create a filter by clicking the “Filter” tab located to the top left corner, and choose your desired conditions – a field, an operator, and an input.

This is simple in practice: for example, if you want to see all black ribbons in our collection, your conditions would be: "where Material colour(s) (field) is exactly (operator) Black (input)". Or – if you want to see all ribbons broader than 3 cm – your conditions would be: "where Width (cm) (Field) > (Operator) 3 (input).

Stacking filters*

Filters can be stacked using the "Add condition" function. Here, you have the choice of two operators. Using our prior two examples with "And" returns black and wide ribbons. Using "Or" allows you to view all wide or black ribbons.


Download the data by clicking "Download CSV" located in the bottom right corner.

What is a CSV file?

CSV stands for comma-separated value, a text file format that creates data tables by means of only commas and line changes. A CSV file is easy to download and store but often impractical to use.

Convert CSV to an Excel spreadsheet*

To get the most out of our data, convert the CSV to an Excel spreadsheet. We recommend this guide.

Download the image library

The CSV file does not contain our image files – which need to be downloaded separately. At project completion, we will make the full image library available for download at this location.

*Not available for mobile users

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